Tuesday 7 January 2014

A New Lease of Catstailstrophe : 2003 vs 2013

This new blog was birthed from the idea that we don't write properly much any more. A 2-sentences status update on Facebook or a 500 character message doesn't count as an article. So I gave my girls a new challenge for 2014 - create, write and maintain your own blog. 2 posts a week. Minimum 500 words per post. Any rambling that you want. As long as it's not one of those "Q&A" posts which already has all the words written out for you. 

Consider this your personal journal. Share it with the world. Or not. Bitch about me (I dare you.. just kidding), or the client. Report about the events we have done. Talk about sex, families, friends, frienemies, lovers, boyfriends, girlfriends(?), and everything under the son.

As it is, I'm also personally having trouble finding my words, but I will not give up! So here it is, my first post for 2014, and on this new blog (I had an old blog, but I thought since it is a new year, I would wipe the slate clean of old dramas and create some new ones ;))

So here I am, wondering what to write on this new blog, and thought I'll take a trip down memory lane on my first post. Remembering the good old times and experiences that groomed me to be who I am today. 

In 2003 

  • I'm barely into my 20s
  • at the tail end of a volatile relationship
  • started a new relationship
  • starting of a brand new job
  • playing with various colourful balls on the pool table and getting my ass kicked
  • Starbucks was my favourite hangout
  • unsure of who or what I wanted to be when I grew up
  • prancing around the stage with my best friend
  • ready to paint the town red
  • party-goer
I  won't delve into the details from yesteryears as it take another blog to do it :p

Closing of 2013

  • I'm already in my early 30s
  • jaded
  • taking care of friendships that will last a life time
  • still looking for the man who will be my companion for the rest of my life
  • just beginning to peak in my career
  • still playing with various colourful balls on the pool table and kicking a few asses
  • any bar that serves reasonably priced drinks and FRESH (not bottled) Guinness Draught becomes my regular watering hole
  • still prancing around, but on the dance floor with my best friend
  • party organiser
  • already painted the town pink, blue, red, yellow, orange, purple, etc... 

It may not seem like much, but the journey in the last decade have been incredible. A new career, different perspectives in sex and relationships, new friends, old friends, lost of friends, a change of cars, new hobbies, and a new blog to record all my random ramblings.


The meaning of Catstailstrophe

So my personality is a little bit like a cat - quiet and snobbish demeanour. quite a handful when I don't want to be handled. and with its sexy swishing tail, I am quite a flirtatious and affectionate person. However, I'm also a walking klutz and quite the drama mama..